This Kundalini Yoga kriya opens the heart center by emotional cleansing, meditation on the Self and self blessing, and connecting the navel center and the third eye with the heart center.
Mantra: Ong So Hung
Ong - The Creative Consciousness of the Universe
Sohung - I am that!
Chanting this mantra stimulates and opens the heart chakra. It is a beautiful recognition that each of us is a part of the Creative Consciousness of the Universe.
The 4th Chakra is the Heart Center, the center of love, compassion and kindness. It is where our consciousness awakens to spiritual awareness, forgiveness and service.
The Heart Center is the balance point between the flow of the upper energies of the Heavens and the lower energies of the Earth. Our hearts hold both our joy and our pain. With the technology of Kundalini Yoga we can heal the pains of the past that have embedded themselves in our hearts and psyches.
We can open our hearts so we can give and receive love without fear, anger, or reĀsentment, and experience compassion. In this state of compassion we can release the pain of former relationships, energize and elevate current relationships, and begin to express our divine essence.